Monday, February 15, 2010

Operation Stop Self Loathing- Week #1

I am publicly declaring that the time has come to confront this body o'mine.

Enough complaining.
Enough self loathing.
Enough excuses.
Enough of tight clothes.
Enough self loathing.
Enough mind games.
Enough doubt.
Enough waiting around for a baby.
Enough self loathing (do we see a pattern?)

Why I am a very lucky lady who is loved by a man who thinks she is beautiful, this lady isn't loving herself much these days.

I am not going to even pretend I am going to be one of those crazy gym rats who eats celery all day long, but I certainly can afford to make some changes.

So, in hopes that a public declaration will encourage me to take action I am officially declaring, on this blog, that Operation Stop Self Loathing started this morning and we will finish our day at with Kickboxing at 5:30 at the Colorado/Yale 24 Hour Fitness should you want to join me.

I would love partner in pain, oops, I mean work out partner...even a virtual partner would be wonderful. Who wants to hold me accountable? Who wants to work out too? We could even start some sort of email accountability thing-y with some sort of serious consequence if one falls off?

This has been a lifelong struggle for me, and I need to get this back under control. Do you?

I have 2-3 months before Baby Dew Attempt #4 begins, so I might as well use my timely wisely!

I will check back in with you next Monday to let you know how Week #1 went. My goal for this week is 4-5 gym classes this week, plus the mandatory daily walks with the pups that I started while pg. Zumba is Thursday...wanna come shake it with me?


mulloys said...

Watch out B, I will hold you to it, just ask your poor sister!! Between the texts and the mandatory meet ups hung over or not, we've found a good way to do 60 mins at least 4 times a week! I'm on ya!!! Good public declaration!

Heidi said...

I'm in!!! I need to get my eating under control! No more Red Robin - at least for a while!