Saturday, February 6, 2010

The lesser of two evils?

I got a phone call from our Nurse last night. She said our RE didn't want to make us wait until our appt on the 25th for the results of our fetal tissue testing.

The good news is that it does not appears this was a "me" issue, in terms of there being signs that we are now looking at a 2nd loss with no answers. The bad news is that the fetus has tremendous chromosomal abnormalities.

Clearly the majority of miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities...but here is the million dollar question...did we have more issues than normal, or do we just know more than the average person due to our level of care? I've asked a few friends who have had miscarriages and they say all they've ever been given is the broad answer of m/c due to chromosomal abnormalities but have never thought to question it past that (and, lets get real, I am a Munger and will always ask and ask questions!)

So, neither of us really know what to think. We believe this is situation is the lesser of two evils, but we are both bothered the Nurse said we will need to go thru extensive screening ourselves.

We understand a miscarriage is Mother Nature's way of ending a pregnancy that wouldn't give us a healthy baby, and I think we are both making piece with that. It doesn't make the hurt go away, but at least it is easier to come to grips with than the last time when they told us the twins were perfectly healthy babies by all accounts.

We did learn that they think this was another girl. That news is always comforting and heartbreaking at the same time.

We will learn more about next steps on the 25th. Until than, I will keep gagging away on my chinese herbs...

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