Monday, February 8, 2010


My good friend got pregnant a month of so after my first miscarriage- you may remember a post about how I burst into tears when she told me. I still feel awful for that. Sadly, she miscarried that pregnancy a few weeks later. It was like watching history repeats itself so soon after my own loss.

When I was 7 weeks pregnant this last time, she found out she was pregnant again. We were both so excited at the thought of going through our pregnancies together. She obviously felt horrible when we lost this pregnancy. Bri and I were so sad to learn that she received the awful news today her baby no longer has a heartbeat. It is almost too eery, that our patterns of pregnancy and loss are so similar.

So, in this past year between myself, this friend and another good friend who has been trying to have a baby for the past 4 years we've had 5 pregnancies between the 3 of us, and 5 miscarriages. What kind of odds are those? It is too cruel to even wrap my head around.

The only thing I've been clinging to is that we when do all have babies it will be the most increidble & amazing experience. I can't wait to when we are able to share the joy of parenthood, and not the sadness of loss.

Every night I remind myself God will never give me more than I can handle.It may not always be pretty, but I am amazed by the resilience of life.

So here's to healing, finding answers, moving on & hope.

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