Thursday, February 11, 2010

Did I just do that?

This is the scene I encountered as a came out of King Soopers to load my car:

Parked next to me was a broken-down-filty-crappy car, filled with a screaming baby & toddler. A mother was angrily throwing groceries into the back of the car. As I opened my trunk, I noticed a little girl, maybe 4 or so, standing by my drivers side door, sticking her finger in and out of the grates on the grocery cart. I smiled and her, and she shyly looked the other way.

Here is the conversation that followed: In fear of burning your eyes with curse words, I will abbreviate the obscene cursing.

Mother to little girl" STOP f'ing touching the basket! I SAID STOP F'ing touching the basket"

Little girl quickly pulls her finger away (and, seriously is a 4 yr old finger on the basket really a problem?)

A few moments later I hear the same disgusting tone from the mother saying the same thing. The mother steps around the cart, and to my horror shoves the little girl backyards and walks away. This poor little girl stumbles back, and trips backwards over and into a water/snow pothole. I gasped!

Mother to little girl "See, EVERYTIME SINGLE TIME I TAKE YOU ANYWHERE YOU RUIN IT! RUIN IT! God D*amn it, F*uck!" My eyes meet the little girls and huge crocdile tears filled in her eyes.

I quickly walk around my car to get behind the little girl. I lifted her up off the wet ground. As I did, I whispered in her ear, "Your Mommy doesn't mean that, she must just be tired today!", for which the little girl looked up at me and quietly said, "Yes she does, she tells me that everyday!". My eyes filled with the same tears and for a moment wondered if I could throw her in my car and drive away without worry!

The mom reappears, sighs in complete digest and says to me, "ughhh, Don't help her! She doesn't need your help! GET IN THE F'ING CAR RIGHHHHHHHT NOW!G'Damint, now you're all wet!"

The little girl turns and quickly asks me, "What's your name?", I answer, and she pats me on my arm and says, "Thank you for being so nice to me today, Miss Bree", and climbed into that hell hole of a car.

At this point, it's just me and this thing that was supposed to be her Mother. Our eyes met, my mind was reeling with what was going to come next. Shelooked me up and down, gave the BMW a disgusting look, huffed and walked to her drivers door.

And the following came out of my mouth before I knew it:

"And for the record, you just ruined my F'ing Day, and you are an awful Mother!"

And than I got in my car and drove home in tears.

The tears continued in our driveway while a bewildered Brian tried to figure out why I was returning from the grocery in tears. They later continued as I re-told the story to Nik.

Now, I certainly can appreciate a long day that turns into being crabby with those you love. I can certainly appreciate it is tiring to have 3 children..tho, that last one comes with the fact that you the Mother chose to have 3 kids, it was not their choice, nor is it their fault.

Why in the world does a crazy lady like that have 3 kids, which she clearly does not appreciate nor treat with a kind hand, and I have two miscarriages under my belt?

And most scary to me, is if this woman treats her kids like this in public, what does she do in private? As I left I realized I should have gotten her license plate number, and as I circled back she was already gone.

That little girls face will stay with me for quite some time.

So as a warning, not only will I freak out on you if I see you treating a dog with ill will, I will now also go ape sh*t on you for children as well. Consider yourself warned.


Tumblesons said...

Bree, I'd love to think that I'd do the same thing in that situation, but I don't know if I have it in me. Good for you!!! I hope that mother went home and really thought about what a gift it is to have those 3 kids.

HeatherS said...

Bree.....I often think the same thing when I see a mom yell at her child in public.....

"You stop running!"

"Be quiet!"

Some days I want to turn and tell the mom how I would love to see Samantha run. I would even cherish a back-talk :)

It's hard to see the fairness in life....sometimes you just can't