Saturday, November 1, 2008

She likes Frogs, right?

I have to preface this blog with a little back story for it all to make sense. On that note, I sale Cookie Lee Jewlery on the side and I hosted a party tonight. With that in mind, let me re-play to you a converstion from today:

8:00am- As I drive to Safeway, I call my sister. I call their house phone and it is quickly evident that Nik nor Mike are awake, and Cooper has taken it upon himself to answer the phone....

and the following sweet sincere, and heart touching conversation ensues...

Cooper: " This is Cooper" (very abrupt and matter-of-fact, I may add)

Me: " Hi Coop, It's Auntie B. Can I talk to mommy?"

Cooper:"No. I am watching tv. She is busy. What are your dogs doing?"
so, an intertulde begins as we talk about my dogs, etc.

Cooper: "What are you doing?"

Me:" I am driving to the store to buy food for my jewlery party and thinking about a blog I just read."

Cooper" My mom blogs a lot. What did you read?"

Me: " I read about a little girl named Samantha, who is sick and in the hospital"

Cooper: What is her name" (Didn't I just tell him that??)

Me " Samantha"

Cooper:" Does she like diamonds and white BMW's? Do you have jewelry you can give her?" ( side note, my mom talks all the time to Cooper about how she wants him to buy her a white BMW when he is all grown up!)

Me: "Yes, I have jewlery!"

Cooper. "I have two pennies. What can I buy that sick little girl? What is her name again?" ( again, didn't I just tell him that?)

Me: "Her name is Samantha. I think she would love jewlery. What do you think she would like? Ballerina, ice cream come, frogs or fairies?"

Cooper, very matter of fact, " Frogs! She likes Frogs, right? I think she does. Give her frogs. Tell him (yes, he does not understand he vs she), that is from me"

Me" Coop, that is so sweet...." and I am cut off by " Auntie B, I am busy, I have to go!"

So, fast forward a few hours and Samantha's mom, Heather, takes a break from her hospital duty to come to the jewelry party. I give her Cooper's gift, for which she tears up and proceeds to tell us a wonderful story of how special frogs are to her family and how happy she is that Sam has such a nice frog bracelet to wear.

I just smile at how sweet little Coop is! He may be too busy to talk to his Auntie B, but he already knows when to be kind to someone else's heart.

He makes my heart proud.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I the proud owner of this child!