Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Court Date

So, I admit it, I had to go to traffic court today. I was a pile of nerves, my stomach literally was aching. To most people, it is not a big deal, but to someone like myself who had a car accident and a previous speeding ticket, it is a very big deal when you are faced with the thought of potentially losing your license!!

The entire scenario of the ticket was as mess, start to finish. It was a speed trap, I was at the tail end of it. When I was pulled over the cop told me I was going one speed, wrote the ticket for another speed, than told me that I was actually going faster than he wrote but that it is customary in the City of Englewood to cut a few off the actual ticket. What? He couldn't explain it to me either.

Than to top it all off, as I drove away, I realized I had given him an Insurance card with only Brian's name on it. Shouldn't that have rung a bell with him? Hello, I am not Brian Dew.

So, I had to march off to court today. Thanks to my not-so-stellar driving history, there was no plea bargaining and I plead not guilty (along with just about every other speeder in the place). I go back on Dec 8th to meet with the city attorney so I can explain the parameters around the ticket. I am sincerely hoping all the inconsistencies warrant them dropping my points down, let me pay some god awful fine, maybe attend driving school..just anything other than suspending my license.

And, at the end of the day, I really blame Brian for all of this. He was in New Orleans, thus making me responsible for driving to get the dog food that morning. He always drives to dog food...lets hope driving his wife around town isn't added to his list of responsibilities.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh Bree! What a mess. i'm sure it will work out ok. They will have to take pity on you...they are usually pretty good about not enforcing a strict punishment when one of their police made an error (or two).