Monday, October 4, 2010

Zachey Poo Dew

I love all my dogs for different reasons, but there is something special about a rescue dog. They know how bad it can be, so they really appreciate how good they have it, which is the case for Zach aka Zachey Poo Dew.

Sadie, Bobbie & Deacs have been handed the world on a silver platter, and while they would die for me, they don't "get it" like our sweet Zachey does.

I adopted him when he was 2 ( or so we guess). He had a large open gaping wound on his chest and the white of his fur was stained yellow from dirt and urine. Anytime I picked up a broom or shovel, he would immediately fall to the ground in fear. After I adopted him, he became a total wild man with no manners. I distinctly remember having a bit of buyers remorse. But, I committed to him and commit I did. I got up 20 min earlier every day so I could wrestle him into a crate. I patiently stood in the yard while he jumped and jumped and jumped on me with his talon nails running down my back and waited until he was calm. I didn't' freak out when he ate all of my cookbooks. After 6 months, he woke up one day and had reigned in his wildness.

Zach is so sweet and special. He has tons of medical issues, but I absolutely adore him.

Last night I was sitting on the ground with Deacon and Zach decided that it was he who should be on the receiving end of my affection and sat square in my lap. Bri and I are always worried about his health and quirky behavior, so it was nice to see him act like a regular lap dog...even if my legs went numb.


Happy Fun Pants said...


How did I not know that you had a blog? What am I living in, a cave?

I hope you don't mind if I comment here.

I heart Zach - he's such a sweet and special dog.

breemunger said...

Anne, you're funny :) Visit as often as you would like!