Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Infertility blows

It's a blizzard in Colorado, which I love. What i do not love is when too much snow piles up on our dish and I lose all TV...this was the case since noon today. Sure, I worked, but I like to have the noise in the background. Without the noise, I am forced to listen to myself.

Today, my head went on and on and on about how annoying infertility is. It complained how how long everything it takes, it complained how my body can't get anything right, the list goes on and on.

It's been almost 15 months now...shouldn't it be time for a break?

So, the moral of today, is to never let your Dish fill with snow....

1 comment:

HeatherS said...

If your dish fills with something it should be wine or chocolate or sushi...snow? What can we do with snow?

Thinking of you today my friend.