Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday!

Jackey Boy,

I am so late in your birthday letter, but I am sure you understand. Your birthday fell this year in a hard week for our family, only 4 days after Grandpa passed. I thought about you all day and knew Grandpa was with you, so proud of his grandson!

Jack, our relationship is one of my most prized possessions. You've been extra loving lately, which I welcome since 10 year olds are not really into cuddling with their Aunties. I took you out to dinner 2 months ago and as you got up from the table to go to the game room, you came running back and gave me a huge hug thanking me for a fun night. When you recently heard Coops refusal of my snuggles, you got up off the floor and squeezed in next to me.

I love the freckles on the bridge of your nose. I love your silly laugh. I love how thoughtful you are. I love your sweet soul. I love you how you are figuring out life. I loved the look of horror on your face when I answered the door at your house to find two girls asking if you could play.

Uncle Brian and I adore you. We can't wait to see the great things the future holds for our Jackey Boy!

Much love to my boy,

Auntie B

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