Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day, Really?

Did this day have to be happening so soon after losing Dad? I never realized how many advertisements there were on the radio and tv until now.

Dad didn't even care about Father's Day. Shopping for him was impossible. I would still be calling my Mom up until the last moment asking her what to get him. She would suggest things like socks, a new flashflight or something just as ordinary. Nik and I would call eachother and laugh at her. Repeat. Repeat.

Bri and I are going to head down to the Springs on Sunday- first time home in 3 weeks. I just feel the need to be there. So we will have a little lunch and go visit Granny....and I am sure tears will find their way into the day.

Let's also not forget this Father's Day will not be all bad- it will be the first time in years it won't be a reminder to Brian and I of the family that wasn't happening for us. This year he is a father-to our girl who will be there in a few months!

Life goes on....just as Grandpa would want.

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