Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 Months

I am a mere 3 days away from being 5 months pregnant. Might not sound like a lot to the average bear, but it is a lot to Mrs. Dew. It's a lot to someone who spent hours wondering what a pregnant belly might look like. It's a lot to someone who always wondered what it would feel like to feel your baby kick.

And now, I am here. Belly is starting to grow. Body is changing. I felt the first "butterfly" last week. We went to the doctor this week for our full body anatomy scan and Baby Girl looked great. She was curled into a ball, making tiny fists under her chin. When she was sick of being pushed down upon, she would give a few fast and furious kicks.

I am slowly accepting this pregnancy for what it is- a normal, healthy pregnancy. This past week the "nesting" as begun. My great friend Lisa is 6 weeks behind me so yesterday we went out and spent all day doing "baby stuff"- hit some garage sales in the morning, a Mexican lunch (cause all growing babies need a Chimichanga), checked out Belly Bliss in Cherry Creek, Babies R Us, Pottery Barn Kids, Target & Destination Maternity. Brian laughed when we pulled up and started un loading things like jogging stroller, cradles, and bags upon bags of was like a little clown car.

It was so much fun and I am sure just the beginning of the damage that Lisa and I have in store for our husbands.

Here's to another healthy 5 months....yes, an actual pregnancy is 10 months. It's a load of crap no one tells you about until you are actually pregnant!!

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