Friday, December 3, 2010

Hysto what?

So one of the joys us women with infertility get is to have a HYSTEROSCOPY....code for: PAIN!

With the first one I was told they were just going to take some picture of my uterus to make sure it happy and healthy and ready for an embryo. I told Bri there was no need for him to come with me to such a silly procedure. What they did not tell me I was going to yelp in pain, tears would fill my eyes and I would almost kick the doctor in the face. I instantly wished Bri was there so I could squeeze his hand.

Fast forward almost 2 years and the doc told me I had to have another one in preparation for our next cycle. I instantly was overcome with dread. The night before I went over and over again with Brian how awful it was...he instantly sent a note to his boss that he would be in late. I woke up the morning of the procedure and instantly started whining how it was going to be awful and how I didn't want to go.

When we got into THE ROOM ( did they really have to put us in the room where I've had two D&C's...I think not!), we were both quiet. I surveyed the tray of supplies and saw a gi normous shot. Where the hell was that going to go? When the doc walked in I felt like my palms instantly started sweating (Brian later confirmed this to be true!). I start babbling about how much it hurt, blah blah blah...and how much I was afraid of "the shot". As I got done filling the room with my woes, the doc said "Well, I already gave it to you!". Hallelujah! I didn't even feel it.

Soon I heard the words, " Here we go...." and held my breath. I waited and waited for the pain. It never came. Soon I heard "And, we're done!". I was shocked.

After I thanked him for the pleasant experience, I than told the doc he made me look like a liar and a wimp to my husband...who I had sworn to that this procedure was the equivalent of a limb removal.

After the doc left the nurse did share with us this doc does much better with pain management than the others...I think to validate to my husband that I am not a complete wimp.

The good news is that I do infact have a happy and healhty uterus (is that TMI?If so, just cover your eyes.) My blog was dying for a infertility update that didn't include bad news, delayed cycles or tears, ok?!?!?

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