Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Love and Other Drugs

We declared Friday night Dinner and Movie date night. I got to pick. I picked:

Now, the reason I picked this movie is because all of the movie posters I saw weren't like the one I just posted on this blog...They were a sweet looking Anne Hathaway...she made me think we were in for a chic flick.

Before we left for the theatre, I posted on FB. I quickly got this reply:

"I heard it's like porn!"

Made me spit out my mouthful of water. I posted back "Are you sure we are talking about the same movie? If so, Bri's night just got a lot better!"

The movie was not all what I expected....it was a love story (with a lot of S-E-X), but it also hit home like a ton of bricks because Anne Hathaway's character has Parkinsons.

There is a scene in the movie where they attend a support group for Parkinsons- it was all I could do to stifle my sobs. It was real people with real Parkinsons, and how it affects family members. It made me sad for my Dad, it made me so sad for my Mom.

I get so caught up in life, I often push Parkinsons away into the depths of my brain. Friday night, however, it hit me like a 10 ton brick.

I highly recommend this movie! Bring tissues!

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