Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome Back!

It begins again...casually rolling over to see what time it is and than flying out of bed upon realizing I had forgotten I needed to go to Conceptions today for my 1st (of many) blood draws.

Soon I was on C470, a road I rarely travel when we are not in baby mode. As I approached Broadway I started to feel the nerves. Going to Conceptions just brings an un easy feeling in me. More bad has happened there than good.

As I entered the building, 3 different people stopped to give me hugs. When I entered the lab for the blood draw the gal jumped up and gave me a huge hug, followed by "Welcome Back!". A terrified looking girl gave me a look of horror....I knew what she was thinking "She's back? Why is she back? What does that mean? Why does everyone know her so well? Did it not work for her?!?!?!?"

So, as much as it was a shock to my mental state, as of this morning we have been welcomed back to the wonderful world of fertility treatments. Wish us luck!

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