Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's only money....

Brian and I had what will be our last doctor's appointment at Conceptions for quite a few months..a re-group with our Doctor.

We laid it out...not pregnant, emotionally spent and flat broke. When I told him we were $26k into medical bills since January 2009 he was shocked...really, really? You charge freaking $20k for IVF, why are you shocked?

My brain started humming while he tried to explain another IVF treatment would work----um, if we had another $20k it might!But since we don't, we are going to focus our attention on our little frozen embies.

They are going to stay on ice for the rest of 2010. They will probably make an appearance in early 2011. He gave me a list of things I needed to do this fall to prepare...my brain started humming again....especially when he said I would have to repeat a quick, yet very painful procedure, to "prepare my uterus".

The things we do for frozen babies....

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