Monday, November 23, 2009

Putting life into perspective

My sister Nikki, lives in Colorado Springs and has one of those fun neighborhoods where all the kids are friends, all the moms drink wine together, all the dads help one another build swingsets over cold brewskies. They cook meals for one another when sick, they babysit as needed, and try to be an extended family for one another. Sadly, they also all gathered together yesterday to celebrate the life of one of the neighborhood moms who is sadly, and quickly, losing her battle to cancer.

When I spoke with Nik yesterday she said, "Other than my wedding, and the birth of my boys, it was one of the most life changing experiences of my life." She was about 1 minute into her story before we were both in tears. She told me how the wonderful husband of this woman flew in an musician who plays all John Denver songs- her favorite artist. He threw a neighborhood concert for close family and friends- they gathered around his sick wife and laughed, sang and cried. Nik said not a single person in the room had a dry eye. She said watching her friends parents, sister and husband gather around their sick loved one was gut wrenching and profound. She said knowing that this woman is leaving behind two little boys- 5 & 8- was almost too much to bear.

I cried long after I got off the phone with Nik last night- I went out into the family room to tell Brian and he ended up getting up to hug and console me. I just cannot imagine dealing with such a horrific situation. Saying goodbye to your babies? Saying goodbye to the love of your life? It is truly unimaginable.

Nik called me again before she went to bed last night, and we cried again. If we feel this way, can you imagine how M.H.'s husband feels? Or her sister? Or her parents? What about those precious little boys? M.H was the first thing I thought of this morning, and she's been in my thoughts all day today. My sister doesn't think she will make it through the week...

It puts a lot into perspective. I guess it's not that big of a deal Brian forgot to shut the guest room door before Nik and Mike came up for Kathy Griffin on Sat night and let Bobbie get dog hair all over their clean bed after all.

This is supposed to be such a wonderful time of the year, and I just feel so awful for this family. My heart literally hurts for them.

Kiss your loved one. Hug your loved ones. Please pray for M.H.

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