Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The lesser of two evils

We had our follow up appointment today, I was racked with nerves, biting the side of my lip as we sat and waited. Brian and I joked and laughed as we waited for the doctor and filled the air with random conversation, but I think we were both dying inside.

We were walking into this appointment to hopefully be given some answers as to what went wrong with our pregnancy. We were happy to learn that they did not find any chromosomal abnormalities in either baby, which certainly gives us hope that the remaining two embryos will be healthy as well.

I felt like my heart was turned inside out when he did tell us that both babies were girls. To actually know what they were brought some relief but it seems like it heightened the loss a bit.

They drew 12 vials of blood today to begin to do some additional testing that only comes after a miscarriage. I hope when we visit again next month we will have answers. The good news is that the doctor has solutions for the top two issues he thinks we are facing, which hopefully will result in me being able to carry to term.

I was a bit disappointed to learn that there doesn't seem to be any end in sight in the tests, but it's the reality of our situation. I think all I can do at this point is to keep praying.

1 comment:

mulloys said...

That's so tough Bree. Hugs. I'm glad you got some info though to give some clarity.