Saturday, August 22, 2009

Are we being Punk'd?

We are getting a new roof today, thanks to last month's hail storm. The banging has been going on all day, so needless to say it has not been a relaxing Saturday.

A few minutes ago I was just about to fall asleep for a little cat nap before dinner, when all of a sudden there was a big BANG! I flew up off the couch and let out a little scream, just in time to see part of our ceiling come crashing down. Brian came running, and I let loose a string of profanities.

The owner is on his way over now, and assures us he will take care of it. He said in his entire career, he has never had this happen!

At this point, I am wondering who I wronged for this string of bad luck we've had lately!!??!

PS- An hour later, this just came down. I am ready to kill someone!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Seriously??? What on earth did they do to your roof? I can't believe that hole! Good luck must be just around the certainly have paid your dues.