Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One step forward, two steps back

Brian and I were excited at the prospect of doing IUI this month- closely monitoring the ovlulation kit so we would know when to put the plan into action.....never in any of that did I worry I wasn't going to ovulate...why wouldn't I? Last month was proof Clomid works!

I got a quick slap of reality today when I went in for an ultrasound only to find I do not have one single follicle that is showing even the tiniest of signs that I am going to ovulate. I about burst into tears right there on the table, the poor u/s tech! I was expecting our conversation to be more about when to come back in for IUI vs. "sorry, you need to try again next month!"

They want me to come back in for more bloodwork on Monday, which really pushed me over the edge since I thought they had tested me for everything 2 months ago! They didn't really have much to say other than they will up the Clomid dose and see where that gets us.

This 'trying to conceive' is the most frustrating and emotionally exhausting life event I've ever been through.


Mike, Ally, Ella, Deegan & Cullen said...

My heart is aching for you - I will pray harder!

breemunger said...

Thanks, Ally :)

HeatherS said...


I'm so sorry you have to go through this process. Hang in there and keep 'practicing' :)


Melissa said...

Every month can be an emotional rollar coaster when you're trying to conceive. Keep faith Bree. When you are holding your beautiful baby, these extra months of waiting will be well worth it. Keep in mind that the question is "when", not "if" it will happen. Love you!

mulloys said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers Bree! This will work out! Please call if you ever want to chat!

Jeff, Angela, Hudson, Hailey & Havana said...

Hang in there pumpkin! I feel your pain, and I know it well, it's deep and unexplainable! Don't forget though, this is just one of many things they can do to help you conceive, you'll get there I promise! Much love, Ang

Ella's Mom said...

Hang in there, Bree! I know all this hurry up & wait must be absolute torture but it will all be worth it when you're holidng your perfect little baby.