Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday with my boys

My nephews, Jack and Cooper are with me today. Nik is on call and Mike invited Brian to the Bronco game. While it is quite possible Mike and Bri may freeze to death, we are snug in our home.

We have set up our movie room, as the boys call it. We draw all the blinds, and get pillows and blankets. They get all the dogs on the couch and cuddle up.

I love having them up here. I love that Coop wants to sit on my lap to watch the movie. He told me earlier, " Auntie B, I love you. Why does your hair look so funny?

1 comment:

Ella's Mom said...

I just read Cooper's comment to Mike & we both giggled. He is hilarious. We both want to know what you did to your hair this morning to make it "look funny".