Monday, December 15, 2008

Grouchy loves Grouchier ( is that a word?)

Meet Sadie, our mean 8 year old cocker. She loves people, especially if you are a person with treats. What she does not like is her fellow 4 legged friends. They are beneath her. She snaps, growls, and guards. As of late though, She has gotten to the point where she now tolerates them, as long as they stay out of her personal space.

It is for all the above reasons that this picture made me laugh today. The old man to her right is Ozzie, our sometimes grouchy old foster. His paw was slowly sliding towards hers as they laid side by side. Each time he touched her, she would just curl her lip. He would jerk it back, but eventually his lack of body control would cause it to start sliding back over. This went out for a minute, until she finally decided it was ok that they touched.

Once they established their new found friendship, they than spent the next 3 minutes guarding the doorway, growling at our other dog who wanted to come in. I finally had to make everyone move so save my sanity.

1 comment:

Ella's Mom said...

He was trying to put the moves on her. I'm picturing a teenage couple in a movie theater where the boy puts his arm over the girl's shoulder & slowly tries to slide his hand down to cop a feel...