Sunday, December 21, 2008


My pregnancy test was negative this month- after a long month of hormones, ovulation testing and waiting, a big fat negative! There were days in the last 2 weeks were I thought I might be. Apparently my mind and body were playing tricks on me. I haven't been this disappointed in such a long time.

It look 4 months to figure out what was wrong with me, than 1 month of "it" not working. You would think once they know what is wrong, and give you the meds to fix it, all would be good?! Not so. I am so disappointed. Yes, I know people try for years. Yes, I know there is only a 25% change of getting pregnant each month. But all of those facts still don't help you when it is your own situation.

All of this is mentally exhausting. It is also hard knowing that next steps are higher doses of hormones and more invasive & expensive procedures than just making a baby the old fashioned way!

I think I will have a pity party for myself today. Tomorrow I will move on to next month.


Melissa said...

Oh, Bree...I'm sorry things didn't happen for you this month. But, don't lose faith - it will happen for you. Yes, some people try for years, but that might not be your story. Your baby could be just around the corner. I love you!

Anonymous said...


Hang in there!! You guys are going to be such great parents- it will happen. In the meantime, enjoy your holidays and time with your new hubby!
