Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2 Months Old

Syd, you are two months old. Quite possibly the fastest two months of my life. I often try to remember life before you, but it's hard. My days and nights are consumed by you. If I am not with you, I am thinking of you. I guess that is what Motherhood is all about.

You smiled for the first time a week ago. I had to work hard for that smile. My face actually hurt from smiling at you! Now, a week later, you smile all the time. You even giggled on Thursday- I thought my heart was going to burst.

You are so beautiful and I get stopped where ever I go by complete strangers telling me how pretty they think you are! It makes me so proud.

We have 3 weeks left together before I have to go back to work. I am sick even thinking about it. I never thought I would be the kind of woman who would be happy staying home, but it turns out I am! It is the right thing to do for our family so I will go...but not without a lot of complaining and dramatics to your Dad!

Syd, we love you so much it hurts. You've got Daddy wrapped around your finger and you bring a calm to him like I've never seen before. You made us whole.



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