Thursday, February 3, 2011

Spare a Prayer?

In the coming weeks our lives are either going to take a sharp left or sharp right...either will be ultimately be positive, but the anxiety of the unknown is hard to manage at times.

We are trying to remain upbeat and positive but the tossing and turning that is going on in the BDew bed during the night tells both of us the other is lost deep in thought.

And be sure to throw an extra good wish on Monday morning if you happen to think about it :)

I promise to return the favor.


Mike, Ally, Ella, Deegan & Cullen said...

I have plenty of prayers to spare - even though I never stopped praying for you, Brian and baby Dew! Good luck!!

Mike, Ally, Ella, Deegan & Cullen said...

I have plenty of prayers to spare - even though I never stopped praying for you, Brian and baby Dew! Good luck!!

Happy Fun Pants said...

Consider it done.

I can't wait until you find out which path you're going to be on - and I hope whichever path that is, it's as smooth as possible.

You are going to be a fantastic mom - no matter what. I just know it.