Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Budget Living

Who out there lives by a budget? Well, the BDews are now raising their hands.

For those that know me way back...I used to be in Sales. I used to rake in the money hand over fist. I rarely worried. Single, 2 homes, 2 cars and all the shopping I wanted to do.

Fast forward to present...threw sales out the window in exchange for my sanity and mental health. I still stand by the fact it was a good decision, but our pocketbook doesn't necessarily think so. That whole "trying to have a baby" thing was certainly not a $26,000 and growing expense we anticipated either.

So, where does that leave us? Well, with our first attempt at the budget. I made an excel document, broke it out my our pay periods and what needed to be paid when. We also instituted a new rule of saving every receipt so we can see what we spend. Also, a cash system for groceries and no eating out 3 x per week like we used to.

I am also super fired up that hubby re-financed the Durango and we are saving $126 per month!

So far, so good.I felt good paying extra to credit cards and throwing some $$ at savings. I guess this budget thing does work. Here's to stickin' to it!

My only question is what happens when you forget to factor in very important items...like Arbonne? Do you just place the $65 order and realize hubby probably will never look at the excel spreadsheet? Do you post about it on your blog as a way to tell him?I mean come on, I am quite sure Babycakes doesn't want my porcelain skin to turn wrinkly does he?


Mike, Ally, Ella, Deegan & Cullen said...

Bree-Mike and I took a class last summer called Financial Peace University - Dave Ramsey is the teacher. It's a time commitment - 13 weeks - but it was awesome!! Life changing for sure! I would highly recommend it - if interested try googling FPU or Dave Ramsey and type in your zip code. Budgeting is tough, but feels soooo good when you can reah your goals and feel responsible- not strapped!

Mike, Ally, Ella, Deegan & Cullen said...

Sorry - DID NOT proof read that post before I sent it!