Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy 9th Birthday, Jackey Boy

Dear Jackey Boy

You turn 9 today. You are growing taller everyday and you have the most handsome face and big brown eyes. I often find myself looking at you and wondering where this boy came from?

I have the most vivid memories of the weekend you were born. I remember pulling over on the side of the road as I talked to your mommy right after you were born because my eye were filled with tears. I had no idea of how much you would change my life.

In true typical 9 yr old fashion you are more interested in XBox, friends and movies than you are hanging out with our old Auntie. But you always get a big smile on your face when you see me. I love that smile.

This year as you opened your gifts you came across our card to you on which I had written "Jackey Boy" on the outside. You turned to me with a big grin and said, "Uhhhhh, Auntie B? I wonder who this is from?" I just smiled and said, "I don't know you open it.", for which he replied, " I know it's you, that's your special name for just me!"

Jack, we are so proud of you and watching you and Coop grow up has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life.

What did I ever do to get so lucky?

All my love,

Auntie B

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