Friday, June 5, 2009

Feeling your love...

This last week of our IVF cycle has been tough-it has been a literal rollercoaster of emotions from pure excitement to bottom of the bucket of dispair. My body has not really been cooperating and there has been some concern that this might not be the right drug protocol to get the results we need. We've been struggling with this latest news since Wednesday, and trying to not worry about it is like trying to tell someone not to breathe.

But what I have been reminded of this week is how loved I am. I have always known I have great friends and a wonderful family, but this week I have literally felt the love. Each email, card, text and voicemail has meant so much to me. I don't think I've ever had so many prayers said on my behalf. For this I am truly, truly grateful.

I hope each of you who is reading this understands how much you mean to me and how thankful I am for you in my life. It is hard for me to cry and show my weaknesses to others so I appreciate the comfort you've given me when I have.

Brian and I are still cautiously optimistic we might be able to pull off this IVF cycle and proceed to egg retrieval. We have another ultrasound on Sunday, and we will know more than.

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