Friday, April 24, 2009

I want to be a Mom like her

If you've been within earshot of me, or reading this blog, you have probably noticed I've been struggling with this whole IVF process. Well, yesterday I had my polyp surgery and my mom insisted she come up and take care of me.

When she was leaving, she said she had left a box for me and to open it once she left. When I opened it I found this, and the following letter:

Dear Bree,

I want you to open this gift and read the note from Aunt Denise. She brought this back from Australia before Jack was born. I've been keeping it for you, and now want to give it you and Brian as symbol of my belief that you'll have a beautiful healthy baby.

You've expressed your doubt about this procedure and that this is "your last chance". I've experienced miracles in my life and unexpected insights. I guess that's because I've lived so much longer than you.

God is here in this situation. I know He will take care of you. You need to trust, give it up, and let things happen. But remember this- Dad and I are always your support system. We will always be here for you and Brian.

Find some peace, and enjoy this exciting time

Love to you both,



Nikki said...

She is the most amazing mother. You & I are so blessed to have her for a mother.

Ella's Mom said...

Why do so many of your damn posts make me cry?!?? What a sweet sweet letter & that blanket is beautiful! I too, believe in miracles & know in my heart that everything will work out for you & Bri. We're already keeping an eye on airline tickets for next spring so we can come meet Ella's twin cousins :-) xoxo