Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Silver Lining

The reality of this economy has really been hitting home with us as doctor bills begin to pile up (on top of those already existing bills) and sales begin to fall within Brian's job. The reality of the first big payment due to the fertility clinic is hanging very low over our heads too! Couple that with will the announcment of layoffs at Bri's work, we had an overall very stressful weekend...which has carried over to this work week.

Anyway, the silver lining in this week of stress is that I just had my review this afternoon. I got a tiny tiny raise but I was so surprsied to find that my boss recommended me for a individual bonus. I had heard that they existed, but figured I would not be eligible considering my short tenure of only 8 months. It was a great surprise! It also just coincidentally will cover our first big initial payment to the fertility's funny how those things happen! I have been praying and praying for an answer other than a credit card...guess I got it!


mulloys said...

Awesome Bree! Things have a way of working out, don't they! Now give a donation to that man Jack calls the Tooth Fairy!

Ella's Mom said...

That's great, Bree! Congrats on the raise & the bonus!