Friday, July 25, 2008

Marriage License

Brian and I went to the courthouse today to get our marriage license this morning! We are two weeks out, and I suspect two of the longest weeks of my life!

We anticipated running in and running out of the county clerk's building, but it turned out we had quite the "character" working behind the counter. Let me set the stage: the lady was probably in her mid 30's, homely looking and immediately gave off a sense of "quirkiness". When she opened her mouth to greet us, it set off a speed of speech that I had never been witness to in my life. While Brian could hardly contain his laughter, I was busy focusing on the questions being fired at me at rapid speed about my name, address, my ring, my hair, mountain dew jokes, jokes about being invitied to our wedding, my mom, offering to take a picture, computer problems....each of these questions/comments were co-mingeled with the other and with the same was the craziest thing ever. I was actually forced to say to Brian, under my breath, " Stop talking, do not ask anymore questions!", because I was so overwhelmed.

Anyway, we finally got our license and escaped to the crazy streets of downtown Denver! Lord only knows what I am supposed to do with the stack of papers I shoved into Brian's glovebox...I told Brian I will just research it on the web because at a certain point my brain shut off, trying to save itself.

At least we have a funny story to remember our marriage license by!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Woo-Hoo!!! You are on your way to becoming official!!! Looking forward to it!!!