Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Goodbye to Blue Dew

We sadly said goodbye to our sweet, wonderful old man Blue tonight. We adopted him in April 2008 from a shelter in Alamosa. Thanks to our dear friend, Dr Winton, and her closely monitored pain regimen, we had more time with him than we thought possible.

He was a funny old dog, with a ridiculous bark that made us laugh every time we heard it. He adored Brian more than anything, and rarely left his side once he got home from work. I guess the up side is that until Bri got home, I was the apple of Blue's eye!

I am thankful we were able to rescue him from the dire situation he was in, and show him what life with a loving family should be like. I think he loved us deeply for that.

Rand came to our home to do the euthanasia because we all knew Blue hated going to strange places, and would be most comfortable here. He passed with his head resting on Brian's foot, and getting a belly rub from me. Linds was here too, so he was very loved as he left.

Ps- His cataracts make his light shine in pictures...

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