Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dear Dad-

You left a year ago May 24th. This is how we celebrated Patty Jewett Golf Course. Dews, Zemans, Roes and Mom. I wasn't sure what to expect, I wondered if there would be a lot of tears? There wasn't- I think it was such a beautiful evening and we were in a very warm and welcoming place. We ordered a few bottles of wine for us ladies, the boys had their beers and ate dinner. Jack and Coop ran around the putting green. Syd was passed around making a ton of noise with her screeches and laughs. It honestly could not have been a more beautiful evening.

As 7:05 pm approached, we toasted you. Mom gave Nik and I each a great picture of you fishing- it now sits next to my bed. I look at you- a healthy you- every night before I turn off my light.

After our toast, Mom, Nik and I wandered out to the golf course together. We shared a few tears, a few hugs and remembered how thankful we each were to be with you those last days.

I still struggle with how to live this life without you, but I suspect I will never have a good handle on that. It will forever haunt me that you never got to hold Sydney.

But, I am so proud of us all for surviving this first year. It wasn't always pretty, it wasn't always graceful, but we did it...together.

I miss you Dad. I really, really miss you.

Love, Your Pumpkin Pie.

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