Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's your plan?

Maybe people aren't used to me being so quiet, but I've gotten a lot of questions and emails that start with, "So, what's your baby plan these days? You've been so quiet about it!"

Well, when you aren't doing anything, there isn't much to blog about. We are still enjoying our 6 month break...only 3 months left! Times flies when you are having fun.

We do have a plan though, one that involves one last medical attempt and if that doesn't work than adoption. We've been having long talks, making plans, getting excited, becoming inpatient.

This much I know for certain, The BDews are once again hopeful. Hope was all put lost a while back and as my friend Anita put it, "It's like you are finally off the sinking ship!"

A few weeks ago as we were ending one of our talks, Brian said, "Well, either way, by the end of 2011 we will be parents!" and it is something that rings in my head all the time. It is something that when I repeat to friends, huge smiles spread across their faces. It's a wonderful way to look at things. Thanks, Babe.

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