Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Miracle

For the sake of my friends privacy since many do not know this whole story yet, I will call her Amy.

Amy and I have been friends for years. We also have been comrades in trying to conceive. Ivf for both of us, miscarriages for both of us, total despair for both of us. I would be rich if I had a dollar for everytime I called her crying on my drive back to work from Conceptions.

About 6 months ago Amy and her hubby decided to go down the adoption route. They were approved to adopt 3 weeks ago and expected/hoped to be matched with a birthmother by this year. I was thrilled. She was guaranteed a baby...that is priceless guarantee in a world when having a baby is your top priority.

Here is our phone conversation last night:

Amy, very quietly:"I have a baby."

Me,confused: "What?"

Amy, very quietly:"I have a baby. She was born yesterday. I have a baby."

Me, screaming and crying: "WHAT? WHAT?ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHAT? WAIT, WHAT?"

And in that moment, Amy was suddenly a Mom. To all of our surprise the adoption journey was not what they expected. They expected to be picked by a birthmother and have a few months to prepare. They did not expect a call at 5:15 to come to the hospital and be released today.

Brian and I hurried and out and bought them some essentials. Where do they even begin?

I met this precious Easter miracle today. She is gorgeous and Amy was literally, and I mean literally, glowing. I still cannot believe it and could not be more thrilled for such a deserving couple.

What an incredible gift Amy and her husband have been given.


Heidi said...

I do not know Amy well - but, I am so excited and thrilled for her and her husband!
You my friend - are an amazing friend - do you know that? I hope you do! You couldn't be more excited and happy for her - and ready to pitch in where ever needed. Well done Amy - and well done Bree! :-)

Tumblesons said...

What a great story Bree. Makes the heart smile. :)