Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The small Ella Bauer

So I am at a point in my wedding planning where the details are starting to matter. I need to pick invitations, figure out how to print addresses on them, and also figure out the whole place card fiasco.

I happen to have this week off in that I am starting a new job on would think that I could have devoted this week to the small details! No can do! I sit down at the computer and quickly am frustrated by my lack of computer skills when it comes to on-line invitation design what do I do? I go to the gym, fold clothes, and even resort to picking up dog poop to avoid the details! Can't I pay someone for this?

Today, I was incredibly happy because I had plans...official plans like a doctor's appointment and lunch with my friend Heidi. Well, after my doctor's
appointment I headed to Heidi's to find a sick 2 year old (Jack) who needed to go to the doctor, and a 15 month old (Ella) in need of a babysitter. I happily obliged, and was soon left with Ella Bauer, who was staring me down like I was some sort of alien!

Heidi left, much to Ella's dismay...which, thankfully, was quickly controlled by a can of mandarin oranges! After I gave her anything and everything she wanted to eat, I took her out of her chair. She stared at me for a while, surveying her surroundings and than threw herself out of arms toward her big pink blankie on the ground. Deciding not to press the issue of becoming the friend that I wanted to be, I went and sat down on the couch.

I was on the verge of being overwhelmed with own thoughts of studying for a licensing test, new job, new travel schedule, wedding and wedding diet when little Ella popped up at my feet...she looked at me, came a little closer, said "Hi!", and wanted to be picked up. I picked her up, she gathered her pink blankie up on my shoulder, and just laid her head down while patting my shoulder. She stayed that way for a while, watching Nemo and babbling in my ear. Every now and than she would lean back, look at me, realize I wasn't Heidie, make a weird face, than decide I was ok, and go back to laying her head on my shoulder.

The funny thing is that during this whole experience, I completely forgot about all my delighted that I had won over this little girl. I dared to not rock the boat, so sat as still as I could until she decided she was ready to roam the room!

I just found it funny that once again, it is the small details in life that stress and overwhelm me...yet, something as simple as snuggle from a little girl can make it all disappear for while. It just reminded me, yet again, it is the small things in life that matter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any time you need a little stress relief - come on over! Ella thanks you for playing with her - and I thank you also! I am happy to return to favor of helping with any wedding stuff you need!
Heidi, Jack and Ella