Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Two Years Old!

I am neglectfully didn't post about Syd's 2nd birthday. After a big blow out on her 1st birthday, I learned that these parties are really for no one other than the parents. With that in mind, we decided to skip the big "to-do", but as the day got closer I started to feel a little guilty. So I decided to have a breakfast birthday party for her nearest and dearest!

She absolutely loves balloons so Brian went to get 20 balloons to decorate but got home to decide he really needed 40..so back he went. What a good Daddy.  She was so confused, and than excited, when she woke up the next morning to find balloons everywhere!

Syd is an amazing child. She is so smart and a natural leader at school (as we are told). She is hilarious, opinionated and head strong. I know these are all qualities that will serve her well (as they do me) but wow, they are challenging traits to parent.  I pray every night that we are making the right choices for her and parenting her in a firm but loving way. 

Syd adores "Car Car" ( aka Charlie Cecchini) and talks about him multiple times a day. She loves to FaceTime with Ama, Coop & Jack. She calls Deacon, "Deac" and Ruxin "other dog"....poor dog. She loves to cuddle and watch "Baka" (aka Bubble Guppies).  Her vocabulary grows every day and she shocks us with what she learns at school. 

We are so very lucky this little girl belongs to us. She is everything that is right in my life. 

I love you, Punky!

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