Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Dear Fertility Meds,

I am going to cut to the chase, I hate you. I mean, I really hate you.

In no particular order, here is why

**Nightly shots in the stomach, need I say more?

**The development of needle phobia from above said nightly shots.

** Heartburn, like from the depths of my soul, awful horrible heartburn.

**Pre Natals that taste like dead fish and only exasperate above mentioned heartburn

**Daily headaches that pound behind my eyes

**Estrogen patches that upon application to my stomach I can feel burn through my body.

**24/7 nausea from above said estrogen patches.

**Insomnia, at which point when I wake up at approx 1am EVERY FREAKING night, the heartburn kicks in

*Exhaustion. I barely have the ability to talk on the phone after a long day at work (apologies to anyone who I owe a phone call to)
The thought of dealing with you for a few more weeks actually brought a tear to my eye this week. I don't think I would wish you on my worst enemy.
My mom called you "a means to an end" this week. I told her she better be right.


Ella's Mom said...

This is it, Bree, the last time you ever have to do this. I'm praying with everything that I've got that all your blood, sweat & tears is 200% worth it. Love you.

Happy Fun Pants said...

Oh man, I'm with Ella's Mom.

I hope that this pain and agony will come to an end with the outcome you so dearly want.

Hugs to you and B!