Thursday, September 22, 2011

35 Weeks

35 Weeks of worry, joy, anxiety, anticipation, shopping, crying, laughing, heartburn, burping, day dreaming, carpel tunnel attacks, baby showers, stretch marks, swollen ankles, a new shoe size of 11, doctor appointments, ultrasounds, and frequent blood pres sue checks.

I want to clarify I am not complaining- I swore I would try so hard not to complain, after all that we went through to get her. So this is just more of a list of how life has changed.

It is amazing how much time one can spend planning and talking babies. It is a amazing how much time I've spent with my friend Lisa (also pg) discussing every possible in and out of labor & parenting...talking like we are experts...while I am sure we are both going to be rocked to our core when it happens.

Overall, I feel great. Overall, this pregnancy has been easy. I know I am lucky. I don't dislike being pregnant, it's just that I am so damn anxious to meet her I can hardly stand it.

Today I had my 35 week appt..which means I have 34 days left until my due date. Baby got a A+ at this appointment, I got an A+ and we were sent on our merry way. I go to each appt hoping that there is going to be some significant change and hint of impending labor, but I leave each time just as I entered.

So we will wait...another 34 days at a maximum. The doc has at least told us that much!

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