Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The baby hammer has been dropped!

After weeks of late night conversations, tears of frustration, sleepless nights, and more blood draws that I can count, Brian and I have officially decided to proceed with IVF. We met with our RE today, and asked him to begin the paperwork.

I still cannot believe this is the path we are on, and the anxiety and worry is tremendous. The What If's can drive you insane. But our RE has enough confidence for the 3 of us...I guess you need that in this kind of situation.

The short term plan is going back on BCP for 2 months so they can do the various ultrasounds and testing. In 2 weeks we go back to meet with the nurses to learn about the meds and shots. We expect to do the procedure in late April/early May.

There is a silver lining....I am going to have one helluva of a last hoorah- our Outerbanks trip in mid April! My sis, Nik, was VERY worried I would be pregnant and be a "buzz kill", as she called it!

In all seriouness though, if I can be be selfish for a moment, I ask that you keep us in your prayers as we begin this process. I know this will be hard on Brian and I in different ways, but the outcome will be so worth it.


mulloys said...

Yeah Bree! Tons of prayers. This will work out. And you will have fun at the outer banks! Drop the Hammer! (not april 3rd though remember because that = a xmas baby!)

Jeff, Angela, Hudson, Hailey & Havana said...

Hang in there, it is soooo worth it! The IVF process is tough (shots, emotions, worries, fears and joy)! It'll work I just know it! Much love, Ang