Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's about time, body o' mine

7 weeks later my body finally realizesI am no longer pregnant. Yes, 7 weeks...who knew it would take so long?

I've gone back week after week for HCG quants, only to learn that the numbers were sky high. They've slowly been creeping down, but certainly not the pace I wished for. Going back for blood draws doesn't help the "moving on" phase of life.

Less than 5 is considered "not pregnant"...I am at 4.8...the nurse declared me free from this pregnancy.

Iam working really hard on declaring that for myself.


Tumblesons said...

Good news! Glad to hear things are improving on the physical front - definitely step one in moving forward. Does this mean no more weekly visits for a while?

Heidi said...

It took my body a while - and my mind and heart a lot longer. Anytime you want to talk - I am here. Here's to a new outlook and a few weeks free of blood draws! See you Sat.!