Monday, October 27, 2008

So the journey begins

The journey of parenthood begins...or should I at least say the journey of trying to become parents begins...

While my lab tests were mostly normal, my ultrasound was not. My ob said that since PCOS runs in our family and I am 33, she will begin treatment for the diagnosis of PCOS.

First things first, my ob wants Brian to "get checked out". I was not expecting her to give us that advice so early on, so it made me burst out laughing when she said it because I couldn't wait to see the look on Brian's face when I shared the good news. She said she does not want to be 6 months in, and than find out something with his swimmers is off.

Assuming all is well with Brian, next month we will begin Clomid, which is the ferility drug that brought me my beautiful nephews. If something is off, than she said we will move straight to IUI ( ariticifial insemination).

We were both surprised with her direct and to the point treatment plan, but also thankful that we are working with a proactive doctor. We laugh all the time that we are actually doing this, actually trying for a baby. The excitement is overwhelming.


Mike, Ally, Ella, Deegan & Cullen said...

I am sending you tons of good thoughts and prayers. I know this can be a long and crazy road, but I also wanted to share with you that I was diagnosed PCOS and miraculously conceived both my babies with no treatment!! Miracles do happen, so I'll be hoping for one with you two!

Melissa said...

Funny that having a baby has to be so scientific at times, but the efforts will be worth it in the end when you are holding your beautiful babies (hopefully it's just one baby at a time...)