Monday, October 13, 2008


Granny is 89 year old, will be 90 in February. If you ask her, she's pushing 50...

She does art classes, participates in water aerobics, sews and enjoys a glass of wine or two or three or eight(from a box, I may add). She loves to argue, loves to push buttons. She loves her horrid looking, man-biting Chihuahua, Curly. And, back in the day, she was an avid hunter and fisherwoman.

Grandpa died 5 year ago, and my mom and aunt denise have been her main support system through all that comes with losing a spouse and the medical issues that come with age.

Over the last two years she has had her knee replaced (seriously, what doc replaces an 87 year old's knee?), battled through pneumonia, battled though several hospital stays where we all thought we might be getting "the call".

Two weeks ago, we discovered she had a ruptured appendix- the docs hadn't seen someone so old even be faced with such a dilemma...leave it to granny. Brian and I went to see her in the hospital, she was so glad we had come. After hugs and kisses goodbye, she said "Bree, why don't you ever brush the back of your hair?"..hello? Granny, for the 100th time, I have curly hair! It does not brush!!!

Anyway, she was back to the ER last night- they think it is a blood clot. I spoke with her this morning, she was high on morphine and said Nikki and I were floating above her in bed, rubbing her blisters...huh? In all seriousness though, it is scary to see her continue to go through all these medical scares, and not wonder when is her strength going to run out? When is her 89 year old body going to catch up with her 50 year old mind?

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