Wednesday, September 22, 2010


PCOS is to blame for my lack of natural mommy-hood.

PCOS makes us gals insulin resistent (think diabetic).

A few shared that low carb diets help gals with PCOS, but this gal who too overwhelemed with hormones to add another thing to her plate.

Now that this gal is hormone free, it is time to look at these so called PCOS diets. For this, I have called in the big guns and had my first meeting with a nutritionaist (

We are only one session in, but for a wide varitey of cool reasons she has me on the following:

Vitamin B Complex
Cod Liver pills
Flax seed oil (it's like drinking two tablespoons of olive oil)
and one other thing that is escaping me right now...

All I know is I just swallowed 4 pills and drank the flax seed oil and now I can't stop burping. How is burping supposed to get your better half in the sexy mood?

Anyhoo, we meet again next week to discuss what foods will work best to combat the insulin issue...she said high protein, high fat (good fats) and lower carbs.

Here's to a pill popping, flax seed burping PCOS fight


Happy Fun Pants said...
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Happy Fun Pants said...

've read a few blogs about ladies with PCOS and their's not something I predominately focus on because...well...I'm not trying to get pregnant. But let me know if you want me to re-find them and if that would be helpful.

I wrote about it on my Smaller Fun Pants blog, but basically, for a short period of time last weekend my OBGYN thought that I might be pregnant or having a miscarriage. And then?

Well, then my whole world got swirled around. I mean my initial reaction was like sure, I wanted kids, but right then? Turns out, it wasn't a baby - but a huge uterine fibroid that has to be removed later this month. And yes, that's just as sexy as it sounds.

In the middle of all that chaos, and after I got the news that I wasn't pregnant, I thought of how sad I was that it wasn't a baby with someone that I love dearly. It became so clear to me that having a baby is something that I want with all my heart...and yes, right then. AND it's something that I may never have (at least naturally) unless this surgery goes perfectly.

I'm still wrapping my head around it.

I definitely don't know the width of your journey. But after last weekend, I know a small tiny bit of what that might feel like.

So I hope that this will work, even with all the burping. Because really? You guys WILL make the best parents. And honestly? The world needs more redheaded babies.
